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  • Indoor5.0 - Customer Tracking system

Indoor5.0 - Customer Tracking System

Customers' wifi signals of cell phone are captured via Access Points and customers are tracked as a real-time on the Dashboard, how much time customers spend in the areas or in which areas are busy can be monitored on the Dashboard.

Real-time density maps are created daily, weekly, monthly on Indoor5.0 Dashboard, customer's number and where customers spend the most time in the areas are reported on the Dashboard


With the Indoor5.0 product, you can track your customers and measure store performance. You can instantly monitor the cash density and create an alarm.
Follow customer preferences

Customer Preferences

You can follow the department visits of your customers.
You can manage case density.

Case Density

You can manage case density.
Visitor Density

Visitor Density

You can report time-based visitor densities.

Indoor5.0 - Customer Tracking System Features

  • Customer Density Map
  • How much time customers spend in the areas
  • In which areas, customers spend more time
  • Tracking the discounts made for the customers in the relevant departments
  • Determining the most productive department in the areas